Elizabeth & Lee

Hoping to Adopt (Arizona)


4 generations of women

While visiting's Lee's family in Virginia, we were able to take a photo with all 4 women. Juliana, me, Juliana's grandmother and Juliana's great grandmother.

Oh the curls!

Juliana is getting so big! She's getting into everything and exploring her world. Her curls are coming in and we are so excited to help her learn to love and care for them.

Feeding the flamingos.

Juliana was unsure but enjoyed being up close to the flamingos as we fed them.

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas. We hope you had lovely visits with family and friends.

Happy Valentine's Day

Enjoying a date night.

Bike riding in the desert

We enjoyed our yearly bike race with a team of 6 this year. Here we are hanging out at the rock drop! We love this race because there are so many kiddos out and about. From baby carriers to walker bikes to kids on bikes. It's such a fun experience. We can't wait to bring out child to events like this.

Nephew & Niece Visit

We loved having our niece and nephew visit us with their parents this weekend. We went to the children's museum, jump park and hiking. Photo is of our nephews at the top of the hike right behind our house. We love how close all these activities are and our family coming to visit.

Shows and Lights

We celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary by spending a few nights in Vegas. We enjoyed the food and shows. Here we are enjoying The Beatles Love by Cirque de Soleil.

Church Convention

The end of July was our Church's national convention. We love our church family and cannot wait to raise our child in the family.

Beach Day

We had fun with family at the beach. Can't wait to bring our child to enjoy the sand and the waves! (Cleaning out sand from the car to be expected.)

Florida Adventures

We enjoyed Florida with Lee's family on a vacation. Enjoyed Universal Studios and Harry Potter World! We had a blast with our niece and nephews!!

Desert Mountain Bike Adventure

In February we made our trek out to the Arizona desert for one of our favorite mountain bike races. We enjoyed a 6 man co-ed team with some friends. We had such a blast!

Merry Christmas & Happy New Years!

We hope everyone had a lovely Christmas! Elizabeth got to send time with her family in Texas and then we had a wonderful Christmas day celebrating the birth of our Lord. We enjoy decorating our tree with handmade and sentimental ornaments.


We love to be outdoors. It’s one of the big draws to Arizona. There is so much we can do right by our house and within 2-3 hours of driving. Hiking, running, road biking, swimming and mountain biking – they’re all great! Elizabeth has run two marathons, a few half marathons and even a half Ironman triathlon. Mountain biking has been Lee’s love since 2004 and after eight years of marriage, Elizabeth finally decided to give it a try. Now we both enjoy it. Often on a Saturday morning, we will go riding for an hour or so and then Lee will set off on his own for a few more miles. We love to go to bike races and have a favorite 24-hour race where we camp for several days in the middle of nowhere with a couple hundred of our “friends” that we compete against. Our travels always include the things we enjoy – the outdoors, country music or family. One of our favorite trips together has been to Utah where we camped and hiked Moab/Arches National Park and Grand Staircase Escalate with our dogs. It was a week of driving and hiking and absolutely beautiful. We’ve been to Nashville where we enjoyed amazing country music and all the food/fun. We spend most every Thanksgiving or Christmas with family, either we host or gather at one of our parents' or siblings' homes. We make sure we take turns with each family during the holidays

Our Home

We live in a large master planned gated neighborhood. We love the parks, pools, splash pad and elementary school in our neighborhood that is within walking distance. There are many great sidewalk paths to go on walks as a family with the dogs. Our home is the perfect family home – four bedrooms, two bathrooms, a living room, and a family room just off the kitchen. A family home was the most important aspect when we bought this house. We love having a pool in the backyard to cool down in the Arizona heat and to teach our child how to swim, just as we both grew up doing. We also love that we are on a cul-de-sac and our child can safely play and learn to ride bikes in the circle. Two important things are near our home – our Church and the mountains. We live just a few miles from our Church and are actively involved in our community there. The mountains, in addition to being beautiful to look at, make riding our mountain bikes easy and accessible.

Our Dogs

We have two amazing dogs, Dagny and Reagan. They are both German Short Haired Pointers and were born one year apart in May of 2015 and 2016. Lee grew up taking care of a neighbor's pointers and came to love the breed because they are athletic, active and super kid friendly. They go everywhere with us, from hiking to mountain biking to just cuddling on the couch. They LOVE Juliana and children. They are sweet and gentle with her and look forward to the days where she learns about gravity and drops food or when she can throw a ball and play fetch with them.

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