Elizabeth & Lee

Hoping to Adopt (Arizona)


Our Home
The front of our home. We love the mature tree.
The front of our home. We love the mature tree.
Basically our back yard. We're so close to hiking/biking trails where we get gorgeous sunsets like this.
Basically our back yard. We're so close to hiking/biking trails where...
A view from our pool.
A view from our pool.
We love hanging out by our pool. You can see Elizabeth's tan lines from mountain biking.
We love hanging out by our pool. You can see Elizabeth's tan lines fro...
The girls enjoying our back patio.
The girls enjoying our back patio.
Our backyard at sunset! We're so blessed by God's beauty.
Our backyard at sunset! We're so blessed by God's beauty.
Our backyard daybed. It is amazing to sit and enjoy our beautiful weather.
Our backyard daybed. It is amazing to sit and enjoy our beautiful weat...
The Dogs!
Dagny is our older german shorthair pointer. Here she is hanging out with Lee at a bike race.
Dagny is our older german shorthair pointer. Here she is hanging out w...
Reagan is also a german shorthair pointer.
Reagan is also a german shorthair pointer.
Dagny enjoying Texas Blue Bonnets
Dagny enjoying Texas Blue Bonnets
Reagan enjoying the Texas Blue Bonnets
Reagan enjoying the Texas Blue Bonnets
Reagan loves to snuggle. Pillows or blankets, doesn't make a difference.
Reagan loves to snuggle. Pillows or blankets, doesn't make a differenc...
Dagny loves to snuggle as well.
Dagny loves to snuggle as well.
Outdoor weather is the best!
Outdoor weather is the best!
Dagny loves kids! Here she is being sweet with our niece.
Dagny loves kids! Here she is being sweet with our niece.
Dagny enjoying sleeping with our nephew.
Dagny enjoying sleeping with our nephew.
Camping is the best. Both girls enjoy snuggling in the tent. They're very warm.
Camping is the best. Both girls enjoy snuggling in the tent. They're v...
Both girls enjoy camping and hanging out!
Both girls enjoy camping and hanging out!
Reagan enjoying some time with our niece.
Reagan enjoying some time with our niece.
Blankets are the best! Especially getting to snuggle with our nephew.
Blankets are the best! Especially getting to snuggle with our nephew.
Dressed up for Christmas!
Dressed up for Christmas!
Dagny checking on Juliana while she's napping.
Dagny checking on Juliana while she's napping.
Hanging out on the couch.
Hanging out on the couch.
Our bird dogs pointing a bird in the backyard.
Our bird dogs pointing a bird in the backyard.
Other Adventures!
Lee's hanging out with our friends daughter and our dogs.
Lee's hanging out with our friends daughter and our dogs.
We love these beautiful views so close to our house!
We love these beautiful views so close to our house!
Us hanging out on Lee's parent's boat over 4th of July.
Us hanging out on Lee's parent's boat over 4th of July.
Just some 4th of July fun.
Just some 4th of July fun.
Lyle Lovit Concert.
Lyle Lovit Concert.
Us at a friends wedding.
Us at a friends wedding.
Having dinner with our priest and his wife.
Having dinner with our priest and his wife.
Hanging out with some animals at an animal rescue.
Hanging out with some animals at an animal rescue.
Lee volunteering for mountain bike trail maintenance.
Lee volunteering for mountain bike trail maintenance.
Enjoying Arizona's beauty.
Enjoying Arizona's beauty.
A friend's wedding. Elizabeth enjoying New England's fall.
A friend's wedding. Elizabeth enjoying New England's fall.
Elizabeth got to meet this beautiful bird while in New England for a wedding.
Elizabeth got to meet this beautiful bird while in New England for a w...
What a cute little toad we found on a ride.
What a cute little toad we found on a ride.
Just a little tumble working on mountain bike skills.
Just a little tumble working on mountain bike skills.
At the baptism of our godson. We love being able to positively impact those around us.
At the baptism of our godson. We love being able to positively impact...
We love the creatures that make their way by our house. Here is a bobcat mother and her cubs.
We love the creatures that make their way by our house. Here is a bobc...
Stunning Arizona sunset.
Stunning Arizona sunset.
Arizona MLB spring training. It's so fun getting to enjoy some games.
Arizona MLB spring training. It's so fun getting to enjoy some games.
This is a parrot that is a part of a wild flock that lives near our home.
This is a parrot that is a part of a wild flock that lives near our ho...
Resting after doing some hiking in northern Arizona.
Resting after doing some hiking in northern Arizona.
These are wild horses that live near the Salt River. You can see them when you kayak.
These are wild horses that live near the Salt River. You can see them...
Enjoying the day at the botanical garden.
Enjoying the day at the botanical garden.
Sightseeing in Seattle. The Space Needle.
Sightseeing in Seattle. The Space Needle.
The rodeo!
The rodeo!
Who doesn't enjoy a petting zoo!
Who doesn't enjoy a petting zoo!
Enjoying a baseball game with friends.
Enjoying a baseball game with friends.
Enjoying 4th of July with a parade.
Enjoying 4th of July with a parade.
Elizabeth made this quilt for her friend's baby.
Elizabeth made this quilt for her friend's baby.
Hanging out with friends tubing the river.
Hanging out with friends tubing the river.
The best and only couple costume Lee's been convinced to wear. Sheldon and Amy from Big Bang Theory.
The best and only couple costume Lee's been convinced to wear. Sheldon...
Having fun at our church's 25th anniversary party.
Having fun at our church's 25th anniversary party.
4 person mountain bike race with our friends.
4 person mountain bike race with our friends.
Lee getting 2nd place at a 12 hour endurance mountain bike race.
Lee getting 2nd place at a 12 hour endurance mountain bike race.
Lee's on a 4 man mountain bike team for a 24 hour race.
Lee's on a 4 man mountain bike team for a 24 hour race.
Enjoying the 24 hour mountain bike race! This is at the little
Enjoying the 24 hour mountain bike race! This is at the little "town c...
Elizabeth getting ready to go out for a lap at a 12 hour race.
Elizabeth getting ready to go out for a lap at a 12 hour race.
Lee on top of the podium for a 12 hour race.
Lee on top of the podium for a 12 hour race.
Lee getting ready to go out racing in Northern Arizona.
Lee getting ready to go out racing in Northern Arizona.
Elizabeth ready to go in Northern Arizona.
Elizabeth ready to go in Northern Arizona.
Lee going down a technical section in a 24 hour race.
Lee going down a technical section in a 24 hour race.
Lee's 4 man team on the podium at our favorite 24 hour race!
Lee's 4 man team on the podium at our favorite 24 hour race!
Elizabeth getting ready to run a marathon with her brother and brother-in-law.
Elizabeth getting ready to run a marathon with her brother and brother...
Elizabeth finishing a marathon.
Elizabeth finishing a marathon.
Elizabeth getting ready for a half Ironman!
Elizabeth getting ready for a half Ironman!
Ready for the open water swim portion of the half Ironman.
Ready for the open water swim portion of the half Ironman.
Lee's 4 man team 24 hour race.
Lee's 4 man team 24 hour race.
Elizabeth and her friend running a half marathon in central Texas.
Elizabeth and her friend running a half marathon in central Texas.
Elizabeth and friends running a tough mudder.
Elizabeth and friends running a tough mudder.
Elizabeth running a marathon.
Elizabeth running a marathon.
A very wet and muddy Lee after a mountain bike race.
A very wet and muddy Lee after a mountain bike race.
Elizabeth is done with a half marathon!
Elizabeth is done with a half marathon!
Lee racing a bike race.
Lee racing a bike race.
Juliana's first bike race.
Juliana's first bike race.
Our Nashville Trip
We enjoyed getting to the Opry on our trip.
We enjoyed getting to the Opry on our trip.
Enjoying the Opry.
Enjoying the Opry.
Our adventure outing was a Whiskey Distillery Tour and Whiskey making class. We both enjoyed it.
Our adventure outing was a Whiskey Distillery Tour and Whiskey making...
Touring the Country Music Hall of Fame.
Touring the Country Music Hall of Fame.
Our whiskey tour group.
Our whiskey tour group.
We loved getting to see all the live music in the bars.
We loved getting to see all the live music in the bars.
Extended Family
Lee's family.
Lee's family.
Elizabeth's family.
Elizabeth's family.
Elizabeth snuggling with her youngest niece.
Elizabeth snuggling with her youngest niece.
Lee with his nephew at a jump park.
Lee with his nephew at a jump park.
Hanging out with Lee's sister.
Hanging out with Lee's sister.
Elizabeth babysitting her niece.
Elizabeth babysitting her niece.
Elizabeth and her nephew warming up on the ski slopes.
Elizabeth and her nephew warming up on the ski slopes.
Elizabeth & Lee out on the ski slopes. It was quite cold!
Elizabeth & Lee out on the ski slopes. It was quite cold!
Lee's parents on a ride with Elizabeth. We just love the outdoors.
Lee's parents on a ride with Elizabeth. We just love the outdoors.
Elizabeth's parents on a road ride with us.
Elizabeth's parents on a road ride with us.
Enjoying our pool with Lee's parents.
Enjoying our pool with Lee's parents.
Lee's sister and our niece with Elizabeth at our neighborhood splash pad!
Lee's sister and our niece with Elizabeth at our neighborhood splash p...
Lee hanging out with his nephews.
Lee hanging out with his nephews.
Legoland with our niece and nephews!
Legoland with our niece and nephews!
Elizabeth's siblings and spouses hanging out in Austin.
Elizabeth's siblings and spouses hanging out in Austin.
Elizabeth and her mom hanging out in Austin.
Elizabeth and her mom hanging out in Austin.
Lee's family.
Lee's family.
Elizabeth with Lee's sister and mom. Got to love our ugly Christmas sweaters.
Elizabeth with Lee's sister and mom. Got to love our ugly Christmas sw...
Lee headed to a Christmas play with his nephew.
Lee headed to a Christmas play with his nephew.
Lee's family at a Christmas play.
Lee's family at a Christmas play.
Elizabeth's family at Christmas.
Elizabeth's family at Christmas.
Just a friendly family rivalry between Lee's uncle.
Just a friendly family rivalry between Lee's uncle.
Lee and his nephew enjoying a railroad museum.
Lee and his nephew enjoying a railroad museum.
Elizabeth and her nephew.
Elizabeth and her nephew.
Elizabeth and her sister horseback riding.
Elizabeth and her sister horseback riding.
Elizabeth's family at Thanksgiving.
Elizabeth's family at Thanksgiving.
Elizabeth and her niece.
Elizabeth and her niece.
Elizabeth and her siblings at a Turkey Trot.
Elizabeth and her siblings at a Turkey Trot.
Lee making cookies with his nephew.
Lee making cookies with his nephew.
Elizabeth's mom joining us for a hike in Arizona.
Elizabeth's mom joining us for a hike in Arizona.
The women is Elizabeth's family meet every 2 years for a reunion. Here we are enjoying San Antonio.
The women is Elizabeth's family meet every 2 years for a reunion. Here...
Great grandmother and grandmother in Virginia
Great grandmother and grandmother in Virginia
Meeting her great grandfather.
Meeting her great grandfather.
Hanging out with extended cousins in Virginia.
Hanging out with extended cousins in Virginia.
Elizabeth's parents with us.
Elizabeth's parents with us.
Lee's parents with us.
Lee's parents with us.
Our Utah Adventure
Natural arches. How unreal and stunning.
Natural arches. How unreal and stunning.
Hiking slot canyons.
Hiking slot canyons.
We camped right at the edge of a cliff. Stunning views.
We camped right at the edge of a cliff. Stunning views.
Along naturally formed arches near Moab.
Along naturally formed arches near Moab.
A stream we came to on one of our hikes. The girls loved the water.
A stream we came to on one of our hikes. The girls loved the water.
The end of one of our hikes finished at this stunning natural water fall.
The end of one of our hikes finished at this stunning natural water fa...
Our road tripping partners. They just want to be close to us.
Our road tripping partners. They just want to be close to us.
A stunning natural arch.
A stunning natural arch.
A natural rock feature. Looks like an elephant.
A natural rock feature. Looks like an elephant.
Balancing rock.
Balancing rock.
Tranquil natural water fall.
Tranquil natural water fall.
Slot canyon hike. It was a bit tight.
Slot canyon hike. It was a bit tight.
Unreal how beautiful the slot canyons are.
Unreal how beautiful the slot canyons are.
Elizabeth meeting Juliana for the first time in the NICU.
Elizabeth meeting Juliana for the first time in the NICU.
Lee meeting Juliana for the first time in the NICU.
Lee meeting Juliana for the first time in the NICU.
First family photo!
First family photo!
Snuggling skin to skin.
Snuggling skin to skin.
Grandma getting some snuggles.
Grandma getting some snuggles.
Going back to Arizona.
Going back to Arizona.
Graduating from the NICU.
Graduating from the NICU.
The puppies have to join the snuggles.
The puppies have to join the snuggles.
Daddy time
Daddy time
Spending some time in our backyard.
Spending some time in our backyard.
Enjoying our backyard pool.
Enjoying our backyard pool.
Juliana's baptism.
Juliana's baptism.
Both of Juliana's grandparents got to come to her baptism.
Both of Juliana's grandparents got to come to her baptism.
Getting to hang with her cousins.
Getting to hang with her cousins.
Getting the hang of this tummy time.
Getting the hang of this tummy time.
Reading with our aunt and cousin.
Reading with our aunt and cousin.
Happy Halloween.
Happy Halloween.
Hanging out with her shades in our backyard.
Hanging out with her shades in our backyard.
6 months old!
6 months old!
Hanging with her great grandmother.
Hanging with her great grandmother.
Getting active with the family.
Getting active with the family.
Hanging with daddy.
Hanging with daddy.
Enjoying the Christmas tree lights!
Enjoying the Christmas tree lights!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
First time meeting Santa.
First time meeting Santa.
Yay for KK's crafting skills!
Yay for KK's crafting skills!
Big girl sitting.
Big girl sitting.
Working on crawling.
Working on crawling.
Look mommy, I'm standing.
Look mommy, I'm standing.
Looking up at the puppy.
Looking up at the puppy.
Having fun with friends.
Having fun with friends.
Swinging at church.
Swinging at church.
Playing with cousins.
Playing with cousins.
Hanging with her cousins.
Hanging with her cousins.
Almost as big as our cousin.
Almost as big as our cousin.
Family Photos
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