Mary & Mike

Hoping to Adopt (Washington)


Why Adoption?

We are thankful to be blessed with the opportunity to share our love and home with a child through adoption.

We want to thank you for taking the time to get to know a little about us.
Having both come from large close-knit Catholic families, family is at the core of who we are as individuals and as a couple. We knew before we got married that we wanted children but that we would not be able to add to our family in the traditional way. Mike had cancer when he was in college which led to fertility issues.

Mary has been interested in adoption since high school. Her parents informally fostered several classmates whose families were in crisis. Everyone in their small town knew that when they arrived at her house, they would have a hot meal and a place to sleep. This is where her love of entertaining and cooking for others began. She is still happiest when the house is bursting with visitors and learned through these experiences that family is deeper than genetics.

Throughout our six years of marriage, we have worked to create a stable and loving home prepared to nurture and support children. We are thankful to be blessed with the opportunity to share our love and home with a child through adoption. We are excited to share our families and culture with our children, but also to learn and explore our children's background and culture with them.

About Us

We met on a dating website while we were both living in Houston, TX. We dated for about 11 months before getting engaged and married a year later. After getting married, Mike was offered his dream job which moved us to Chicago and then to Washington State. Being so far away from family offered us the opportunity to grow even closer in our relationship. We love traveling and exploring the Pacific Northwest as much as possible. We like to regularly hike nearby mountains and lakes, visit local farmers markets, and host family and friends. Fostering our time together as a family remains important to who we are as a couple, so we try to prioritize dinner and prayer together every night possible.
Meet Mary and Mike

Mary is a Forensic Scientist.

Mike is not adopted, but his two brothers are.
Meet Mary

I grew up in a small town in Texas. My mom was a math teacher and guidance counselor at our local high school and my dad worked at a refinery and was a calf roper. I have one biological brother, but between cousins and friends living with us my family always felt much larger.

My friends describe me as honest, generous, warm, and compassionate. I have always been a caretaker for those around me. Nothing makes me happier than doing something for those I love- cooking a big Sunday dinner for family, crocheting something special, or spending a little extra time with my nieces and nephew.

I can be goofy and have always been a bit of a nerd. I love discovery and the thrill of learning something new. As a kid my family was determined to keep me from becoming a book worm, so they encouraged me to foster a love of sports and other activities. In high school I played varsity basketball, volleyball, and softball and was active in choir and FFA.

I liked school so much; I kept going and going! I have three college degrees including a PhD. Now I work as a forensic scientist in a crime laboratory, and I love serving my community in this way.

Fun Facts about Mary: I am a forensic scientist. I taught high school science for 7 years. I minored in Spanish in college. I dislike heights, roller coasters, and broccoli.

Meet Mike

I'm a big guy with a big personality. I moved around a lot as a child due to my dad's career in pharmaceuticals, but for the most part I grew up in a small town near New Orleans, LA. I have two older brothers from my mom's first marriage that are eight and ten years older than me. Despite the age difference we are the closest of brothers. The bond my brothers and I share and the role they have played in my life are near to my heart and are things I hope to impart to my children.

As a child I was regularly active; I played soccer, football, and baseball. I also played piano and was a Boy Scout. This is the kind of lifestyle I envision and hope to pass down to my children. I also think it's important to embrace the interests of the child and encourage and support them in that exploration.

Since buying a home, I have developed a love for being in the yard and gardening. I loved gardening with my dad as a kid and would like to do with my children. When I'm not outside, I love to cook new and different recipes from cultures around the world with Mary. I also am very competitive and love playing games with Mary, friends, and family when they visit.

Fun Facts about Mike: I am not adopted but my 2 brothers are. I referee local high school football games. I love to man the bbq, grill, and smoker. I enjoy hunting and fishing - but mostly fishing. I am a cancer survivor.
Our Home, Hobbies, and Pets

Our home has a huge open space on the main floor where we like to host friends and family for game nights, dinners, and game watching.

Marvin is an 8-year-old cuddle bug who loves children and treats.
We own our own home in a very family friendly neighborhood with a fenced in yard with lots of space to play. Our home has a huge open space on the main floor where we like to host friends and family for game nights, dinners, and game watching. We love our small town. We live near the ocean and lots of lakes which have water sports and fishing. We are nestled between two mountain ranges and have numerous parks with walking trails to enjoy. We even have local waterfalls. Growing up here means lots of time spent exploring the outdoors and adventuring.As the Pacific Northwest is still relatively new to us both, we have been enchanted by the mountains and forests around us. We love to explore our surroundings and go on hiking adventures. We both played sports in high school and love competition. Whether alone or with friends and family, we love cheering for our favorite teams. We also enjoy exploring new places and cultures! We especially appreciate a good festival and taking the long way around to see or do something interesting. Marvin is an 8-year-old cuddle bug who loves children and treats. Mike adopted him a year before we met, and the two of them are inseparable. He loves playing in the snow, playing fetch, and going on walks. He enjoys a good hike now and again but has been known to quit early and have Mike carry him back out. Overall, he is a very happy and gentle dog.
Our Promise

We promise, through thick and thin, our family unit will remain strong.

Thank you for taking the time to get to know us.
Thank you for taking the time to get to know us. We hope this book gave you a glimpse into our life. We hope you have seen that we strive to keep our home filled with faith, love, and laughter. We promise that your child will never feel unloved. We promise, through thick and thin, our family unit will remain strong. We will love and support your child during their highest highs and comfort them during their lowest lows.
If you decide to make an adoption plan with us, we want to assure you that we promise to respect you and whatever level of openness and contact that you want to have with your child. We know how vital it is for children to feel connected to their entire story and to know from where they came. Both of us have experience with blended and nontraditional family dynamics and we promise that that we will raise your child in a manner such that they can be proud of their heritage and adoption. Your child will always know that you made this decision out of love, a decision that will always have our utmost respect and gratitude.
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